Tuesday, June 7, 2011

100 challenge

So Thursday morning I am having my second cardiac ablation and well as you can imagine I really just want it to be all said and done with.  But as most of you know I am a very positive person and I am trying to focus on all the good things that will come along with ablation number 2.  I will have 5 whole days of recovery and recovery should include scrapbooking for sure, right?!?!?!  So I am ready for a challenge, a good challenge at that.  For my scrapbook friends and family you understand the "investment" it takes to have all the supplies.  Not to mentions Michael's, Joann's, and Hobby lobby are some of my favorite places to be except Total Wine of course.  I have a whole scrapbook room full of "stuff".  My mother likes to say, "we are saving for retirement".  Funny lady!  So here is my challenge.  I am going to make 100 projects.  They will probably include cards, scrapbooks pages, and maybe some mini books.  I am going to stay away from shopping until all 100 projects are complete.  The goal is to use what I have and use some of my stash.  So check back and I will try to post all of my projects.  Just how long do you think it will take me?