People say you should live in a space a while before you decorate and I could not agree more! I love to decorate and I thought I would put decorating on hold in this new place until I finish my doctorate degree but I am becoming board and uninspired in my boring residence.
Our last home was very Tuscan inspired. Dark colors on the walls and Italian lithographs. Some wood in the floors and blinds (fake wood at that). Lots of candles and personal touches. And wine of course! I love the style because it is romantic and comfortable.
But Tuscan is not right for this house and I knew it as soon as we moved in. My first strong feelings were shabby chic. Light walls, lots of pinks and greens and antique rustic furniture. While I love the look, it’s just not for me but I know in my heart it would look amazing in this home. This home and neighborhood were built for shabby chic.
So the ideas continued. One of my favorite places in the world (the only place I have been outside the US) is Mexico. I love the culture and the laid back style of life. I love that you can drive 25 mph down the road and its okay. I love that when you are in a restaurant and you finish a cocktail, they just bring you another one. I love lying on the beach and listening to the magical sounds of the ocean. We do a ton of outdoor living in this home and since the first day we moved in I have always said I feel like I am on vacation in this home. But Mexico beach house is not so much what I had in mind for the home we would raise Tommy in.
So Thursday after work I had to stop at the store to get a bottle of rum (it was date night) and my second favorite part of the grocery store is the magazines. I am a magazine junky! I ran into this magazine titles Ocean Home The Magic of Mexico and I was instantly intrigued. I started flipping the through magazine and you cannot even imagine what happened to my creative mind when I ran into the photo below!
Ocean Home from The Luxury Costal Lifestyle Magazine
This is my inspiration. Let me share some initial thoughts that ran through my head at warp speed. Knock out the 2 windows and sliding glass door in the back of the house and add 3 French doors so the whole back of the house can open to the backyard. Find indoor outdoor flooring so the flooring can extend from the inside of the house to the backyard and even the pool decking. Magical sheer drapes! Lanterns! Lanterns! Lanterns! Pops of red! I love red! Big, I mean HUGE rod iron chandelier in the kitchen. Rod iron mirrors and the stars.... I love the stars. This is what happens in my mind when I am inspired and it can be exhausting! So enough is enough, grabbed the magazine and to the register I went.
This project will be a long one with lots of DIY and saving our money to pay cash for any and all upgrades. As of now we are paying a pretty penny for my doctoral degree, saving for a new bed, and saving to pay off Mike's truck next year so needless to say this is not our financial priority but I feel like a have a good starting point and most important I HAVE A DECORATING DREAM! I will post updates big and small!
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